Wednesday 30 August 2017

Winter Information Reports

Come and read our information reports about Winter in Room 14.

Matariki Kites










Maui and The Sun

Maui and the Sun by Peter Gossage

This term we are looking at the work of Peter Gossage. He has written many Maori Myths and Legends. We read Maui and the Sun. We looked at how he has illustrated the pictures in this book and tried to use the same bold colours and designs to make our own. Do you like them?




Pizza Fractions

Pizza Fractions

After we made our pizzas to eat we made a paper pizza!
We are learning about sharing shapes into halves, quarters and thirds.
Look at our paper pizzas and the way we shared them fairly so that they were in equal sized pieces.

Making Pita Pocket Pizzas

Making Pita Pocket Pizzas

This term we have been learning about writing instructions.
We made some pita pocket pizzas then we wrote the we could make the pizzas again at home!

To make a pit pocket pizza you need:
a pita pocket, tomato sauce, ham, pineapple and cheese!

1. Spread tomato sauce on your pita pocket.

2. Add some ham and pineapple.


3. Sprinkle some cheese on top.

4. Put the pita pocket pizza in the oven for 15 minutes.

5. Take it out, let it cool a little and then EAT!